
上次更新: 2024 年 7 月 1 日


雅诗兰黛公司拥有多种知名品牌。您可以在 ELCompanies.com 找到这些品牌的列表,每个品牌在本隐私政策中均称为“品牌”。

This Privacy Policy describes how the Estée Lauder Companies brands in the US (“ELC”, “we”, “us”, “our”) collect, use, disclose and safeguard your personal information, including sensitive personal information. 除非另有说明,美国的所有品牌均遵守本隐私政策。



We may collect or process the following types of personal information about you. The specific personal information we collect about you will vary depending on how you interact with us.

  • 联系信息和个人标识符,例如:您的姓名、地址、电子邮箱地址、电话号码以及用户名或社交媒体用户名。
  • Device identifiers, such as information about your device like your MAC address, IP address, cookies, or other online identifiers.
  • 人口统计信息,例如:您的年龄、生理性别、种族和社会性别。
  • 身体特征,例如:您的发质、发色、肤质和眼睛颜色。
  • 生物特征识别信息,例如:面部几何特征(如果您使用我们的某些虚拟试用应用程序)。
  • 商业信息,例如:您购买、退回或考虑购买的产品或服务,以及您的产品偏好。
  • 付款信息,例如:您的付款方式和支付卡信息(包括支付卡帐号、收货地址和账单地址)。
  • 身份验证信息,例如:在我们其中一个零售店内取货的照片识别,忠诚会员 ID 和认证信息(如密码)。
  • 线上或网络活动信息,例如:关于您与我们的网站、移动应用程序、数字资产和广告互动的信息,您在我们的网站或移动应用程序上的浏览和搜索历史信息以及日志文件信息(如您的浏览器类型和您访问的网页)。
  • 地理定位信息,例如:可以帮助您识别实际位置的信息(如 GPS 坐标或设备的大致位置)。
  • 音频和视频信息,例如:您致电我们的客户服务时的语音记录以及我们在零售店通过视频监控录下的图像。
  • 专业或就业相关信息,例如:与我们的专业项目相关的专业执照或证书。
  • 健康和医疗信息,例如:护肤需求、诊断、医疗报告和病史。
  • 用户内容,例如:您与我们的通讯以及您提供的任何其他内容(包括照片和图像、视频、评论、文章、调查反馈和评价)。
  • Inferences drawn from or created based on any of the personal information identified above.



  • Directly from you, such as when you make a purchase on one of our websites or in one of our retail stores, contact us with a question or complaint, use one of our mobile applications or virtual try-on applications, chat with an automated virtual agent or live person on one of our websites, create an account on one of our websites, register for one of our Brand loyalty programs or marketing lists, respond to a survey, participate in a contest or other promotion, make an appointment or sign-up to attend an event.
  • 从您的朋友或家人那里获得信息,例如:当您的朋友或家人赠送您礼物或为您推荐某物时。
  • 当您与我们的网站或电子邮件互动时。 When you visit our websites, or when you open or click on emails we send you, we (and third parties we work with) may automatically collect personal information from your browser or device, such as device identifiers and online and other network activity information using technologies such as cookies, pixel tags, and similar technologies. Cookie 指网站为了唯一识别您的浏览器或在您的浏览器中存储信息或设置,放置在您的联网设备的小型文本文件。像素标签是嵌入到我们的网站或电子邮件中的小型图像。We use pixel tags to collect personal information about your browser or device, how you interact with our websites, or whether you open or click on the emails we send you. 像素标签还可使我们(以及与我们合作的第三方)能够在您的浏览器上放置 cookie。
  • 通过店内和其他线下技术获得信息,例如视频监控、流量统计设备和我们零售店内外的 WiFi 技术,以及您与客服交谈时的通话录音技术。
  • 从我们的商业合作伙伴和服务提供商那里获得信息,例如:人口统计学公司、分析提供商、广告公司和网络,第三方零售商或分销商以及其他我们选择与其协作或合作的第三方。
  • 从社交媒体平台和网络处获得信息,例如:Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、Pinterest 和 Google。For example, we may obtain your personal information from a social media platform or network if you interact with us on social media or choose to log-in to our websites using your social media credentials.
  • 从其他曾与您互动过的 ELC 品牌处获得信息。

We may combine the personal information we obtain from the above sources. For example, we may combine personal information we collect in our stores with personal information we collect online.


We may use the personal information we have about you:

  • 向您提供产品和服务,例如:完成订单和处理付款,创建、服务和/或维护您的帐户或忠诚计划会员资格,识别问题并协助产品推荐,通过我们的自动虚拟代理和我们其中一个网站上的实时真人聊天功能提供实时支持并维护聊天记录,以及管理当前或过去的采购。
  • 与您沟通,包括回应您的问询或投诉,以及帮助您下订单。
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys promotions or product reviews.
  • 营销或广告宣传,例如:向您发送邮件、短消息、电子邮件、推送通知或其他消息,以及在社交媒体和其他网站上展示根据你的兴趣定制的产品和/或服务的广告。
  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications, such as to remember your personal information so you do not have to re-enter it, understand your preferred method of purchasing with us; determine what browser and devices you use to visit our websites or mobile applications; and to evaluate and improve our services, advertisements, websites and mobile applications. For example, we use Google Analytics on our websites. 有关 Google 在使用其服务时如何收集和使用您的个人信息的具体细节,请访问:Google 如何使用来自使用我们服务的网站或应用程序的信息。
  • 运营和提升我们的业务,包括进行分析、提供品质保证、处理不良事件或产品相关索赔,进行研发以及执行会计、审计和其他内部业务职能。
  • For legal and security purposes, such as to detect, prevent, and prosecute harmful, fraudulent, or illegal activity, loss prevention, and to comply with applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards and our policies.
  • To audit our interactions with you to ensure compliance with applicable law and to measure the effectiveness of our products, services, and advertisements.
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications. We also may use your personal information in other ways for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection.



  • 我们的品牌。 When you interact with a Brand, we may share your personal information with other Brands. Those other Brands may use your personal information for marketing and advertising and other purposes identified in this Privacy Policy.

  • 我们的子公司和关联公司。 出于本隐私政策中规定的目的,我们可能会在需要了解的基础上将您的个人信息传输至我们的子公司和关联公司。

  • 服务提供商。 我们可能会将个人信息转交给按照我们的指示代表我们提供服务的服务提供商。We do not authorize these service providers to use or disclose personal information except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or comply with legal requirements. 该等服务提供商的例子包括处理信用卡支付、完成订单、提供网站和应用程序功能、托管、分析、客户支持(包括通过自动虚拟代理和真人聊天)、广告和营销服务的实体。

  • 参与企业交易的各方。我们还保留在我们出售或转让全部或部分业务或资产的情况下(包括在合并、收购、合资、重组、剥离、解散或清算的情况下)转让我们所拥有的关于您个人信息的权利。

  • 广告公司 We work with third-party advertising companies (such as advertising networks) to serve advertisements on our behalf. 了解更多信息,请参阅我们如何使用信息做广告一节。

  • 其他第三方 此外, 我们可能披露与您有关的个人信息,(i) 如果法律或法律程序要求我们这样做,(ii) 向执法机构或其他政府官员披露,(iii) 当我们认为披露对于以下目的是必要或适当的: 防止人身伤害或财务损失,或与调查可疑或事实欺诈或非法活动有关,(iv) 当法律要求或允许披露您的个人信息时,或 (v) 取得您的同意(如第三方沙龙、水疗中心和第三方零售商)时。

All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this personal information will not be shared with any third parties, excluding aggregators and providers of the text message services.



  • 数据主体权利: Depending on applicable laws, you may have rights with respect to your personal information. For example, you may be able to request access to the personal information we maintain about you, update and correct inaccuracies in your personal information, and have the personal information deleted or transmitted to a third party. You may request to access, change, or delete your personal information through our Privacy Request Portal. We may take reasonable steps to verify your identity when you make a request. You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.

  • 营销和广告偏好: 您的在线帐户可以为您提供编辑营销偏好的功能。您也可以按照这些通信中发送的取消订阅说明选择不接收营销通信(例如:电子邮件、邮件或短消息),或者您可以通过我们的隐私请求门户提出请求。When you unsubscribe from our marketing communications, we will no longer use the related personal information (such as your email address or phone number) for advertising on third-party platforms, including social media platforms.

  • 移动设备和浏览器偏好: 根据您的移动设备或网络浏览器,我们可能会请求您提供位置信息或请求向您发送推送通知。您可以使用设备上的设置编辑您的偏好。

  • Cookie 偏好: 您可以选择如何将某些 Cookie 用于我们的网站。You can edit your cookie preferences at any time by editing your browser settings and selecting the “Manage Cookies” or “Do Not Sell or Share My personal information / Target Ads” link available at the bottom of our Brand websites. 了解更多信息,请参阅我们如何使用 Cookie 一节。

我们如何使用 COOKIE

Cookie 是网站放置在您的联网设备上的小文本文件,用于唯一识别您的浏览器或在您的浏览器中存储信息或设置,使我们能够在您再次访问我们的网站时记住您,并为您提供个性化的体验和广告。我们在网站上使用不同类型的 Cookie,其中可能包括严格必要的 Cookie、性能 Cookie、功能 Cookie 和目标 Cookie。

You can edit your preferences by accessing the “Manage Cookies” or “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information / Target Ads” link at the bottom of each of our Brand websites and by editing your browser settings. When editing your cookie preferences, please note that your settings only apply to the browser you use to submit your opt-out request, so if you use multiple browsers or devices, you must opt-out on each browser, on each device. 您的退出通过 Cookie 实现,因此选择退出后,如果您删除了设备上浏览器保存的 Cookie,您将需要在该设备上的该浏览器上再次选择退出。



We may use, disclose or otherwise process your personal information to advertise our products and services in different ways, including targeted advertising. 我们与第三方广告公司(如广告网络)合作,代表我们提供广告服务。These advertising companies may use cookies, pixel tags and similar technologies to collect personal information such as device identifiers, online or network activity information, commercial information, or inferences, such as information about the websites you visit over time and the advertisements you click on to deliver advertisements that are targeted to you. 您可以按照我们如何使用 Cookie一节中所述,编辑您的 Cookie 偏好,根据您对我们网站的访问选择退出基于 Cookie 的广告。请注意,即使您选择退出,您仍可能看到我们的广告,但这些广告不会基于您长期访问的网站和您点击的广告而定向投放,因此可能与您和您的兴趣不太相关。

We also work with third-party platforms, including social media platforms, to show you advertisements or measure the effectiveness of our advertisements. We may convert your email address, telephone number, or other personal information into a unique value and have these third-party platforms match this unique value with a user on their platform or with other data they may have. 这种匹配使我们能够在这些平台上向您和其他人推送广告。您还可以通过隐私请求门户与我们联系,要求我们避免以这种方式使用您的个人信息。


In offering and providing our products and services, your personal information may be transferred, stored or processed in countries other than the country in which the information was originally collected (such as the United States). Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as your country of residence, and your personal information will be subject to applicable foreign laws. When we transfer your personal information to other countries, we will protect that information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. We will also comply with applicable legal requirements providing adequate protection for the transfer of personal information, such as the use of data transfer agreements, E.U. Standard Contractual Clauses, or other applicable data transfer mechanisms. 如果您对我们的数据传输有任何疑问,或希望收到任何适用的数据传输协议的副本(在法律要求的情况下),您可以通过我们的隐私请求门户提交请求。


We maintain administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to protect the personal information you provide against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure, or use. We restrict access to personal information on a need-to-know basis to employees and authorized service providers who require access to fulfil their job requirements.


In general, we retain personal information as long as reasonably needed to achieve the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. There are many factors that we use to determine how long personal information is retained, such as:

  • 收集个人信息的目的,包括提供我们的产品和服务;
  • 您的营销偏好以及您如何与我们的品牌互动;
  • 适用于个人信息的任何法律或监管要求;以及
  • whether the personal information may be relevant to us in protecting our own rights (e.g., applicable limitation periods).



Our products and services are designed for a general audience and are not intended for or directed to children under the age of 13. If you believe a child under the age of 13 has provided us with personal information, please contact us as indicated under How to Contact Us below.




如果您对本隐私政策有任何问题或意见,或者您想行使您的权利,您可以通过我们的隐私请求门户提交请求或发送电子邮件至 privacy@estee.com



Your Privacy Rights

If you are a resident of the following states: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Montana, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, or Utah, depending on your state of residence, you may have the right under applicable laws to:

  • Request confirmation of our processing and access to the personal information we hold about you;

  • Request a copy of your personal information in a portable and readily usable format;

  • Request deletion of your personal information we have collected;

  • Request correction of your personal information if that personal information is inaccurate;

  • Opt-out of the use of your personal information for certain purposes, such as for the purposes of targeted advertising, the sale of your personal information or the sharing of your personal information for cross-context behavioral advertising purpose;

  • Request a list of specific third parties to which we have disclosed your personal information; and

  • Request to limit our use and disclosure of your sensitive personal information.

您可以通过我们的隐私请求门户提交请求来行使您的权利。在处理您的请求之前,我们将采取合理的步骤来验证您的身份,包括验证您提交请求的电子邮件地址是否与我们为您保存的电子邮件地址相匹配。为确保您是该电子邮件地址的所有者,您必须回复我们将发送到该电子邮件地址的确认邮件。在某些情况下,我们可能会要求您提供额外的信息,以验证您的身份。您也可以指定授权代理人代表您提出请求。Where permitted by applicable law, the authorized agent may submit the request through our Privacy Request Portal and will be required to provide proof that they have been authorized to act on your behalf. 如果授权代理人未提供此类证明,您会被要求确认您的身份和请求的真实性。

To opt-out of the sale or sharing of your personal information for cross-contextual behavioral/targeted advertising purposes, you must also edit your preferences using the “Do Not Sell or Share My personal information / Target Ads” link at the bottom of each our Brand websites. 您也可以使用全局隐私控制信号。有关全局隐私控制的更多信息,请访问 https://globalprivacycontrol.org/

We will not discriminate against you on account of your exercise of your consumer privacy rights. Depending on your state of residence, you may appeal our decision with respect to your request to exercise your privacy rights by emailing us at privacy@estee.com.





联系信息和个人标识符We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
设备标识符We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
人口统计信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
外貌特征We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
生物特征识别信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 服务提供商
商业信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
支付信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
身份验证信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
在线或网络活动信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
地理位置信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
音频和视频信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
专业或就业相关信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
健康或医疗信息We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
用户内容We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员
推论We may disclose or may have disclosed this personal information to:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • 服务提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员

In addition to the purposes set forth in the How We Use personal information and How We Share personal information sections set forth and above, we collect and may disclose this personal information for the following business or commercial purposes:

  • 审核我们与您的互动,以确保遵守适用法律,并评估我们的产品、服务和广告的有效性;
  • 检测、预防和起诉有害、欺诈或非法活动;
  • 识别并修复我们网站或移动应用程序上的错误;
  • 用于我们自行提供服务,例如客户服务、订单履行和付款处理,或委托服务提供商代表我们提供服务。
  • 出于研发目的;
  • 促进我们的业务目标,包括宣传我们的产品和服务;以及
  • 为了保证质量。


We may collect certain categories of personal information that may be used to infer characteristics about consumers. Some of these categories used to infer characteristics about consumers may be considered Sensitive personal information under applicable law such as health and medical information like your skincare concerns and demographic information. In addition to the purposes set forth above, we use this information to further our business goals, such as to advertise our products and services or provide personalized product recommendations.


我们不会出于金钱对价出售或分享您的个人信息。Certain advertising practices, such as those described in the How We Use personal information to Advertise section, may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” (for cross-context behavioral advertising) under applicable laws when the personal information is exchanged for non-monetary consideration. You have the right to opt-out of these types of disclosures of your personal information. 我们可能向以下第三方“出售”或“分享”(或可能已“出售”或“分享”)以下类别的个人资料:

  • 联系信息和个人标识符
  • 设备标识符
  • 在线或网络活动信息
  • 商业信息
  • 推论
We may sell or share or may have sold or shared this personal information to:
  • 广告公司
  • 我们的品牌

We do not have actual knowledge that we sell or share the personal information of individuals under 16 years of age. We do not sell or share sensitive personal information.


We may offer you various financial incentives such as discounts and special offers when you provide us with personal information including contact information and identifiers such as your name, email address and/or mobile phone number. 当您注册我们的品牌忠诚度计划、电子邮件列表或其他折扣和特别优惠时,即表示您选择加入我们的经济奖励。You may withdraw from a financial incentive at any time by opting-out from the Brand emails you initially signed-up for, or closing your Brand loyalty member account. 一般而言,我们不会给个人信息赋予货币或其他价值,但是,加州法律要求我们在经济激励的情况下赋予这种价值。In such context, the value of the personal information is related to the estimated cost of providing the relevant financial incentive(s) for which the personal information was collected.

Colorado Residents

This section applies solely to Colorado residents and supplements our Privacy Policy above.

We may collect, use and share personal information for certain processing purposes, including those described in the chart below. For more information on the categories of personal information we may collect and how we may use such personal information, please see “Personal Information We Process” and “How We Use Personal Information” above.

类别Processing Purposes (see full list below)Used for Targeting AdvertisingSold or Shared


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys, promotions or product reviews
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To audit our interactions with you
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 广告公司
  • 我们的品牌
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys, promotions or product reviews
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To audit our interactions with you
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
Sold to:
  • 广告公司
  • 我们的品牌
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys, promotions or product reviews
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys, promotions or product reviews
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys, promotions or product reviews
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • For research and development
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • Service Providers*


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To audit our interactions with you
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 广告公司
  • 我们的品牌
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To audit our interactions with you
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys or promotions
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys, promotions or product reviews
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To audit our interactions with you
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 广告公司
  • 我们的品牌
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To audit our interactions with you
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To audit our interactions with you
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys or promotions
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To audit our interactions with you
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys or promotions
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • To administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, surveys or promotions
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • To audit our interactions with you
  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 不适用
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员


  • To provide products and services to you
  • To communicate with you
  • For marketing and advertising
  • To operate and improve our business
  • For legal and security purposes
  • For research and development
  • For quality assurance
Sold to:
  • 广告公司
  • 我们的品牌
Shared with:
  • 我们的品牌
  • 我们的子公司和关联公司
  • Service Providers*
  • 欺诈侦测提供商
  • 法律要求或允许的执法当局或其他政府官员

*Service Providers include: operating system and platform providers, data analytics providers, and digital advertising providers.

Processing Purposes:

  • To provide products and services to you, such as fulfilling orders and processing payments, creating, servicing and/or maintaining your account or loyalty program membership, identifying concerns and assisting with product recommendations, providing real time support via our automated virtual agent and live person chat feature on one of our websites and maintaining a transcript of the chat, and managing current or past purchases.

  • To communicate with you, including to respond to your inquiries or complaints, and to help you place an order.

  • 管理您参与的特殊活动、比赛、抽彩中奖活动、调查或促销。

  • For marketing and advertising, such as to send you postal mail, text messages, email, push notifications or other messages, show you advertisements for products and/or services tailored to your interests on social media and other websites.

  • To operate and understand your use of our websites and mobile applications, such as to remember your personal information so you do not have to re-enter it, understand your preferred method of purchasing with us; determine what browser and devices you use to visit our websites or mobile applications; and to evaluate and improve our services, advertisements, websites and mobile applications.

  • To operate and improve our business, including to conduct analytics, provide quality assurance and process adverse event or product related claims, conduct research and development, and perform accounting, auditing and other internal business functions.

  • For legal and security purposes, such as to detect, prevent, and prosecute harmful, fraudulent, or illegal activity, loss prevention, and to comply with applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards and our policies.

  • To audit our interactions with you to ensure compliance with applicable law and to measure the effectiveness of our products, services, and advertisements.

  • To identify and repair bugs on our websites or mobile applications.

Bona Fide Loyalty Program

We may offer you various financial incentives, such as discounts and special offers, when you provide us with your email address and create an account on one of our participating Brand websites to enroll in a Brand loyalty program. To enroll in our Brand loyalty programs, you are required to provide your email address and to create a password. You may also provide us with your name, mailing address, birth month/date and mobile phone number, but this information is optional. Once you enroll in the Brand loyalty program, we also will collect information about purchases you may make.

In connection with our Brand loyalty programs, you can receive financial incentives (benefits) based on certain purchases and other activities. You can join (opt-in to) Brand loyalty programs and find program details, terms and conditions on our participating Brand websites. You may withdraw (opt-out) from receiving such financial incentives at any time by deactivating your loyalty program account(s). To deactivate your loyalty program account(s), visit the specific Brand website of the loyalty program you wish to deactivate and provide your identifying information as requested.

If you exercise your right to request deletion of your personal information, it will be impossible for us to continue providing loyalty program benefits to you because we will no longer have the information required to provide you with certain benefits (such as information about qualifying purchases).

The categories of personal information collected through our loyalty program that may be sold or processed for online targeted advertising through the use of cookies and similar technologies include identifiers (such as your email address), online activity information (such as IP address, browsing history and other information regarding your interactions with our Brand websites), and commercial information (such as details about your purchases).

The categories of third parties that may receive the personal information collected through our loyalty program include, third party service providers; data analytics providers; digital advertising providers; operating system and platform providers. We do not provide the personal information collected through our loyalty program to Data Brokers, as defined by the Colorado Privacy Act.

The Aveda Brand partners with select third-party Aveda salons to offer Aveda loyalty members the benefit of eligibility to (1) earn Aveda loyalty points for retail purchases at select third-party Aveda salons; and (2) redeem Aveda.com gift certificates and Aveda loyalty points for Aveda products at select third-party Aveda salons.



As indicated in our Privacy Policy, we may collect sensitive personal information including biometric information such as facial geometry if you use certain of our virtual try-on applications. For Illinois residents who provide us with biometric information (such as during use of our virtual try-on applications), in accordance with Illinois state law, we will retain biometric information only until the occurrence of the first of the following:

  • 已满足收集或获取此类生物特征信息的初始目的,或
  • 与我们的最后一次互动三年后。

Washington and Nevada Residents

For Washington and Nevada residents please see our “Consumer Health Data Privacy Statement”.